Impact of laser and other high technologies on manufacturing efficiency in Lithuanian and Finnish sheet metalworking industry


  • M. Rimašauskas Kaunas University of Technology
  • M. Ollikainen Lappeenranta University of Technology
  • A. Bargelis Kaunas University of Technology
  • J. Varis Lappeenranta University of Technology


This investigation deals with efficiency consideration of Lithuanian and Finnish sheet metalworking enter-prises which apply laser and other high-tech facilities. The benchmarking as a popular method has been used to achieve this aim. Work efficiency is indicated in the di-mensions of productivity indices. The data on turnover, number of employees, applied technologies and tooling, influence of order handled and own products production in sheet metalworking industry of the above mentioned both countries have been acquired. Main factors for increasing productivity such as production type, the process to be applied, tooling and facilities, workload of machine tools and skills of employees have been emphasized in this re-search. The obtained results have been considered, dis-cussed and appropriate conclusions have been made.





