Technical and classical yarns friction properties investigation


  • V. Svetnickienė
  • R. Čiukas


Investigation results of the technical and classical yarns, which are used for technical protective textiles are presented in the article. Since the investigated yarns can be used in production of knitted gloves, masks for the body protection from fire, it is very important, if these yarns, having specific characteristics, can be processed in produc-tion with knitting machinery, especially due to their fric-tion properties.For the investigation technical – SVM, Fenilon, Nomex and classsical – Cotton, PA6, PAN yarns were used. The coefficient of friction was determined by using a friction cylinder and twisted yarn methods. The experiments were performed with the constant moving speed of a yarn, when examined yarn is moving on a non-moving cylinder, needle, rotating disc in parallel and cros-sing yarn strands, changing tension of the yarns.Experiments showed, that all the investigated yarns can be processed in knitting machinery, because the coefficients of friction of technical yarns, as well as the classical yarns, determined by cylinder and needle me-thods, are in the same range, but for the SVM yarns the tension must be lower,because they are very stiff.





