Digital Image Correlation in Ioscipescu Shear Test
Experimental Mechanics, Digital Image Corelation,Abstract
This paper presents investigation of using Digital Image Correlation measurement method in Ioscipescu Shear Test. Additionally a FEM model was developed to further support research and to be used in future investigation. Test specimens were made of Polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA), an isotropic material which shear test results can be compared with calculated shear modulus from the tensile test. FEM model was developed as 2D linear model with thickness as parameter. In development the linear model was dropped in favor of model with contact and friction that gave better results. The results of shear test compared to the shear modulus calculated from tensile test, gave matching results. FEM model due to inclusion friction mechanism required calibration, therefore its accuracy was confirmed by strain measurements. Overall both experiment and FEM model worked its purpose.