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Chausov, M.G., Kaunas University of Technology
Che Sidik, Nor Azwadi
Chemloul, N. Sad, University Ibn Khaldoun
Chen, C., Tsinghua University
Chen, Chen, Aviation Engineering Institute, Civil Aviation Flight University of China
CHEN, Chen, Civil Aviation Flight University of China
Chen, Chun-Sheng
Chen, Dingfang
Chen, Guohua, Chongqing University
Chen, Guoming, China University of Petroleum
Chen, Guoping, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
CHEN, Han, Civil Aviation Flight University of China
CHEN, Hu, College of General Aviation and Flight, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Chen, J., Changsha University of Science and Technology
Chen, Jia
CHEN, Juanjuan, Zhejiang Huayun Information Technology Co.
CHEN, Junbin, Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Well Stability and Fluid & Rock Mechanics in Oil and Gas Reservoirs, Xi’an Shiyou Univer-sity, Xi’an, 710065, China
CHEN, Junhong , Institute of Systems Engineering, China Academy of Engineering Physics; Shock and Vibration of Engineering Materials and Structures Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province
CHEN, Li Ming, Southwest Petroleum University
CHEN, Lihai, Chengde Petroleum College
Chen, Ming, College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Chen, Q. P., School of Mechatronics Engineering
CHEN, Tianming, Shandong University of Science and Technology
Chen, Wei-Ren, Chinese Culture University
Chen, Weifang, Zhejiang University
Chen, Wen
Chen, Xiaofeng, Harbin Institute of Technology
CHEN, Yongfa, Southwest Jiaotong University
Chen, Yu, Physics Department, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
CHEN, Yuanlong, Hefei University of Technology
Chen, Yunsheng
Chen, Z. S., Changsha University of Science and Technology
CHEN, Zhaowei, Chongqing Jiaotong University
Chen, Zhuzi, Physics Department, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
CHENG, Han, Aviation Engineering Institute, Civil Aviation Flight University of China
Cheng, Hu, National University of Defense Technology
CHENG, Wenming, School of Mechanical Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University; Technology and Equipment of Rail Transit Operation and Maintenance Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province
CHENG, Yanyan, Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology
Cherki, Brahim Hicham
CHETTIBI, Taha, Laboratoire de Mécanique des Structures, Ecole Militaire Polytechnique
CHI, Maoru, Southwest Jiaotong University
Chiba, Younes, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Technology, University of Medea, Algeria
CHINNAMUTHU, Senthilkumar, Annamalai University, Chidambaram, Tamilnadu, India
CHINNAPPASHANMUGAM, Vijay Ramachandhar, Kaunas University of Technology
CHINNASAMY, Balamurugan , Anna University
Chirkova, A. G.
Chitsaz, I., Sharif University of Technology
Chodočinskas, S.
Chodočinskas, S. J.

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