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Milčius, D.
Milčius, E., Kaunas University of Technology
Miliauskas, G.
Miliauskas, G., Kaunas University of Technology (Lithuania)
Miliauskas, Gintautas
Miliauskas, Gintautas, Kaunas university of technology
MILIAUSKAS, Gintautas, Kaunas university of technology
MILIAUSKAS, Gintautas, Kaunas University of Technology, Studentų 56, Kaunas
Miliūnas, V.
Miliūnas, V., Kaunas University of Technologies (Lithuania)
Miliūnas, V., Kaunas University of Technology
MILOVANOVIĆ, Vladimir, University of Kragujevac
Min, Du, Institute of Disaster-prevention
Min, Li, College of Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai University of Engineering Science
MINCHENYA, Vladimir , Belarusian National Technical University
Ming, Lu
MING, Mingzu, Hunan University of Technology
MING, Rui, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Hunan University of Technology
mingming, he
Mir, A., Université Boumerdès
MIRSAJEDI, S. M., Aerospace Eng. Dept., Faculty of New Technologies & Engineering, Shahid Beheshti University
Mirsalimov, Vagif, Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of NAS of Azerbaijan
Mirzaei, M., Tarbiat Modares University
MISHRA, Deepika, Jaypee University
Mishra, Roshan
MIŠTINAS, Vygantas, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
Mizarienė, V.
Mizarienė, V., Kaunas University of Technology (Lithuania)
Mizyuk, O.
Mizyuk, O., Ukrainian Academy of Printing (Ukraine)
MO, Deyun, Lingnan Normal University
MO, Li, School of Mechatronic Engineering, Southwest Petroleum University
Mockus, J.
MODLER, K.-H., Technischen Universität Dresden
Modrzyński, A.
Mogielnicki, Krzysztof, Bialystok University of Technology
Mohamed, BOUDIAF Daia Dine, Military Polytechnic School
Mohamed, Bouzit, University of Sciences and Technology of Oran, BP 1505, El -Menaouer, Oran 31000, Algeria
MOHAMED KHEMISSI, BABOURI, Mechanics and Structures Laboratory
Mohammadi, J., K. N. Toosi University of Technology
Mohammadi, N.
Mohammadi, P., Iran Univ. of Science and Tech.
Mohammadzadeh, Alireza, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, 14778-93855, Tehran, Iran.
Mohammadzadeh, Behzad, Sejong University
MOHAMMED, Ghusoon Ridha, Middle Technical University
Mohanram, P. V.
MOHANTY, Sankhya, Technical University of Denmark
Mohd Nor, Mohd Jailani
Mohtaram, Soheil

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