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AMANI, M., Laboratoire de Génie Mécanique et Développement, Ecole Nationale Polytechnique
AMANTAYEV, Maxat, Kostanay department of “Kazakh Scientific Research Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture” LLP, Abay Ave., 34, 010011, Kostanay, Kazakhstan
Amar Bouzid, Dj., University of Medea
Amarandei, D.
Ambroza, P.
Ambroza, P. (Lithuania)
Ambroza, P., Kaunas University of Technology
AMEUR, Houari, Department of Technology, Ahmed Salhi University Centre of Naama
AMEUR, Houari, Department of Technology, University Centre of Naama – Ahmed Salhi, Po. Box 66, Naama 45000
Aminallah, L.
AMINI, K, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tiran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tiran, Isfahan, Iran
Amini, K., Majlesi Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran
Amini, Kamran, Majlesi Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran
Amirat, A.
Amirat, A., University of Annaba (Algeria)
AMIRAT, Abdelaziz, Advanced Technologies in Mechanical Production Research Laboratory (LRTAPM), Mechanical Eng. Dept., Badji Mokhtar University
Ammar, A., Université de La Rochelle
Amokrane, K., University of Medea
amour, aissa, university Mohamed Boudiaf of m'sila
Amrane, M. N., Algeria Guelma University
Amrouche, A.
Anbarasu, E.
Andrijaitis, Baltramiejus
Andriušis, A., Lithuanian University of Agriculture
Andriušis, Albinas, Institute of Power and Transport Machinery Engineering, Aleksandras Stulginskis University, Studentų 15, 53362 Akademija, Kaunas distr., Lithuania
ANDRIUŠIS, Albinas, Aleksandras Stulginskis University, Studentų 15, 53362 Akademija, Kaunas distr., Lithuania
Andronic, F., Stefan cel Mare University
Andronie, Adriana, University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics, 3Nano - SAE Research Center, Bucharest, 077125, Romania
Ankėnas, R.
ANNOUN, Mohamed, LME, Faculty Tech., University of Medea
Announ, Mohamed, Medea University
Antal, T. A.
Antoni, JOHN, Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Konarskiego 18A, Gliwice 44-100, Poland
Antonov, M.
ANTUNOVIĆ, Ranko, University of East Sarajevo
Anužienė, L.
Aoues, Kamel, Université de Biskra
Aouici, H.
AOUNALLAH, A., Laboratoire d‘Aéro-Hydrodynamique Navale, USTO-MB
Aounallah, M., Laboratoire d’Aéro-Hydrodynamique Navale
AOUSSAT, Améziane, Laboratoire Conception des Produits et Innovation, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts et Métiers
Arab, I.M.
ARAB, Mohammed Ilies, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, USTO-MB
Aravindhan, K.
Ardelean, I.
Ardelean, I., Technical University of Cluj-Napoca (Romania)
Arefi, M., Tarbiat Modares University
Aris, A., USTOMB
ARJUNAN, Siddharthan, Madras Institute of Technology

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