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Žiūkas, A., Vilnius Academy of Arts
ŽIVKOVIĆ, Miroslav, University of Kragujevac
Žižys, D., Kaunas University of Technolog
Žižys, D., Kaunas University of Technology
ŽIŽYS, Darius, Kaunas University of Technology
Žmuida, M.
Žmuida, M., Kaunas University of Technology, Kaunas Technical College (Lithuania)
Žmuida, M., Kaunas Unyversity of Technology


Zohoor, Hassan, Center of Excellence in Design, Robotics and Automation (CEDRA), Mechanical Engineering Department, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran The Academy of Sciences of IR Iran, Tehran, Iran
ZÖLDY, Máté, Budapest University of Technology and Economics
ZOU, Zheng, Chongqing University of Technology
ZOU, Zhihong, State Key Laboratory of Mechanic Transmission, Chongqing University
ZUKAL, Milan, Czech Technical University


Žukauskas, M., Kaunas University of Technology
Žunda, A., Lithuanian University of Agriculture
Žunda, Audrius, Aleksandras Stulginskis University
ŽUNDA, Audrius, Aleksandras Stulginskis University


Zuo, Wangmeng, Harbin Institute of Technology
Zuo, Y., Hunan University


Žuraulis, Vidas, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University


ZURLYTĖ, Kamilė Gabrielė, Kaunas University of Technology


Žvinys, J.


Zvironas, Arunas, Institute of Mechatronics, Kaunas University of Technology
Zygmantas, G., Lithuanian Energy Institute


Łapczyńska, Monika, Lodz University of Technology
Łazarz, B.
Łybacki, W.


Кarshakov, М., Kaunas University of Technology


Мichugina, М. S.
Маtlin, M.

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